Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


The Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) recently held a faculty guest reading featuring Stephanie Adams Santos, Poupeh Missagh, Scott Nadelson, and Dao Strom. The event showcased the diverse talents of the PNCA faculty members, who read selections of their work to a captivated audience.

Stephanie Adams Santos, known for her powerful poetry and prose, shared her insights and experiences through her writing. Poupeh Missagh, an accomplished visual artist, read excerpts from her upcoming book that explores themes of identity and social justice.

Scott Nadelson, a celebrated fiction writer, wowed the crowd with his engaging storytelling and character development. Dao Strom, a multi-disciplinary artist, treated the audience to a blend of music, literature, and visual art in her readings.

The faculty guest reading was a delightful evening of creativity and expression, highlighting the talent and diversity of PNCA’s faculty members. Attendees left inspired and entertained, eager to explore more of the artists’ work.