Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

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NYC Health + Hospitals patients now have expanded access to free legal services to help address their social determinants of health. The legal services are provided by a team of attorneys and paralegals who can assist patients with issues such as housing instability, immigration status, public benefits, and domestic violence.

This initiative aims to address the underlying social and economic factors that can impact a patient’s health and well-being. By providing legal assistance, NYC Health + Hospitals hopes to improve health outcomes and reduce health care costs for vulnerable patients.

The legal services are available at various NYC Health + Hospitals locations throughout the city. Patients can be referred to the legal services team by their healthcare provider or social worker.

This program is part of NYC Health + Hospitals’ ongoing efforts to provide comprehensive care to its patients and address the root causes of health disparities. By integrating legal services into patient care, NYC Health + Hospitals is taking a proactive approach to improving the overall health and quality of life of its patients.