Sun. Mar 9th, 2025


How to Watch Saturday’s Solar Eclipse


On Saturday, March 20, people in various parts of the world, including Japan, will have the opportunity to witness a rare celestial event – a solar eclipse. This extraordinary occurrence happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow on our planet and momentarily blocking the Sun’s light.


This event is particularly special as such eclipses occur only a few times a year and are visible only to certain regions. The solar eclipse in March is classified as an annular eclipse, which means that the Moon doesn’t entirely cover the Sun, creating a unique “ring of fire” effect.


In Japan, the solar eclipse can be observed from various locations, and it is crucial to take proper precautions to safeguard one’s eyes while witnessing this breathtaking event. Experts recommend using specifically designed eclipse glasses or handheld solar viewers to ensure the safety of your eyes. Regular sunglasses or other makeshift methods are not sufficient to protect your eyes from the Sun’s harmful rays.


For those unable to acquire eclipse glasses, an alternative method is to create a pinhole projector. By creating a small hole on a piece of cardboard and allowing the Sun’s light to pass through, an inverted image of the eclipse can be projected, allowing viewers to experience the event indirectly.


Moreover, several organizations and planetariums across Japan will provide live streams and online broadcasts of the solar eclipse. These platforms enable people to observe the event from the safety and comfort of their homes, particularly considering the COVID-19 pandemic concerns.


It is important to note that looking directly at the Sun during an eclipse without proper eye protection can cause severe damage to the eyes and even blindness. Therefore, experts strongly recommend adhering to the safety guidelines provided and taking precautionary measures to safeguard one’s vision during this remarkable celestial occurrence.
